Data Revenue Cycle Management Technology

We frequently encounter EHR data integrity problems within electronic health records (EHR), practice management, billing, and laboratory information systems. These issues can range from simple anomalies in reporting to complex structural database problems. While some issues can be easily resolved, others require more complex solutions. Today, we encountered a particularly nonsensical issue that highlights a major data integrity problem in this practice management EHR system.

Time Stamp and Time Zone Issues

One common issue we’ve seen is with time-stamped dates, such as payment posting. Due to time zone differences between the system’s servers and the user’s location, there can be a mismatch in the recorded date. For example, a payment posted on September 1 might be recorded as September 2 due to server location. While this can be handled with workarounds, it’s still a frustrating issue.

Data Service Changes and EHR Data Integrity Problems

In this specific case, we encountered a more complex issue where the data service changed unexpectedly. We investigated various possibilities, including time zone issues with the data service, but none of these explanations seemed to fit. The data service is not time-stamped by the system and should be user-entered or hard-coded. This unexpected change highlighted a significant EHR data integrity problem that could lead to inconsistencies and billing errors.

A Catastrophic EHR Data Integrity Issue

Upon further investigation, we discovered an even more disturbing issue. The data service for a specific visit changed multiple times throughout the day, even toggling between different values simultaneously. This is a clear indication of a serious data integrity problem within the system.


This incident highlights the importance of data integrity in healthcare revenue cycle management systems. When data is unreliable, it can lead to numerous problems, including incorrect billing, inaccurate reporting, and patient dissatisfaction. It is crucial for healthcare providers to be aware of these issues and work with their vendors to ensure the integrity of their data.



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