RCM Marketing
medical billing pricing

Medical Billing Pricing Strategy: A Complete Guide

What Is Medical Billing Pricing? Medical billing pricing is the rate that medical billing companies charge to medical providers like physicians practices for revenue cycle management services like coding, payment posting, and denial management. While this article is geared primarily towards the service companies that provide billing to providers, medical practices could learn a tremendous […]

RCM Marketing
medical billing branding mistakes

Medical Billing Branding Mistakes: The 1 Word You Should Never Use

Avoiding the Biggest Medical Billing Branding Mistakes Medical billing branding mistakes can cost your business sales, credibility, and trust. In a highly competitive industry like revenue cycle management (RCM), using the wrong messaging can turn potential clients away before they even consider your services. Some branding mistakes are minor, while others can completely undermine your […]

RCM Marketing

Growing Your Medical Billing Business is Not as Tough as it Seems: Find Out Why

Understanding the Challenges of Growing Your Medical Billing Business Why is it relatively easy for a medical billing company to compete against others in marketing and sales? There’s a widespread perception that marketing and growing your medical billing business is exceptionally difficult. But, in my experience, there’s a reason this perception persists. Recently, I spoke […]

RCM Marketing
medical billing marketing strategy

Effective Medical Billing Marketing Strategy: Why Targeting is a Game-Changer

Why Targeted Marketing is Essential for Medical Billing Companies When it comes to crafting an effective medical billing marketing strategy, many companies struggle to focus narrowly on a specific target. Most medical billing companies start as multi-specialty providers, taking on any available business to generate growth. Even as they grow, generating millions in revenue—sometimes over […]

RCM Marketing
medical billing marketing challenges

Should You Build a New Medical Billing Website? Key Marketing Strategies to Consider

Need a New Medical Billing Website – What is Really Holding You Back? Most medical billing companies are looking to grow, but they typically haven’t had much success in doing so. Historically, they’ve relied on word-of-mouth referrals to grow their businesses. As they decide to grow more aggressively, they often consider investing in new marketing […]